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"investment community... limited in scope"

But how about the regulatory environment?

Maybe it might make a good base from which to launch a startup focused on reclaiming some standard expectations privacy for internet users, by using original internet peer-to-peer design instead of the prevalent "calf-cow" (client-server) model. Many, like the 60-something Harvard blogger who recently wrote about Facebook's flaws, are calling for an end to this design.

Consider the Skype example mentioned as one of Sweden's startup success stories. (And I believe he did eventually go to London for better access to capital.)

What do you need to know about the regulatory environment to satisfy this?

I am afraid I do not understand the question as you have structured it.

If you can rephrase it, maybe I can give you an answer.

I may have been sloppy in my usage of the term "regulatory environment". Is that want you mean?

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