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Aren't people already feeding knowledge into stack overflow for free which is a propriety system used to generate cash?

At least before the answers would benefit the whole community, fulfilling the spirit of CC licensing. Once it's fed to a LLM, it's essentially a form of laundering, as it's dubious the output of the models will also be free under CC. The "open" in OpenAI is effectively fake advertising. It's a proprietary enterprise misleading people by pretending open something.

It still does tho. I don't see why "whole community" cannot include open-ai? I mean, I've used knowledge gleaned from SO for the benefit of many large corporations who employed me in the past, that's not new.

"The Whole community" and open-ai are not mutually exclusive, despite what you may feel about it.

Because then open-ai won't honor the licence, once content goes through the LLM information laundering machine.

Yeah, but you get points and badges for feeding it free knowledge, they get the cash, go figure. It's the perfect pre-NFT grift.

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