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Meh. I’ve met dozens like you. People who swear they just want to see “how you think.”

Then, in the post interview roundup we talk about the candidates and you’re a bit disheartened that they didn’t complete the exercise, so you give a pass even when every other person in the room gives a thumbs up.

Nah. Re evaluate yourself and your biases.

My favorite question to ask these "see how you think" types when it's my turn is:

What is the most impressive thing you've ever done?

Just watch how they struggle with this one. I've never met anyone slinging code tests who is so curious in "how we think" that has ever made anything interesting whether it's code, design, music, a company, anything. It's just a pretentious statement made by gatekeeping noobs who love to interview, nothing more.

I tried to save your comment lol

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