Indeed, I have a 15-year-old desktop computer that is still running great on Linux. I upgraded the RAM to the maximum supported by the motherboard, which is 8 GB, and it has gone through three hard drives in its life, but otherwise it is pretty much the same. As a basic web browsing computer, and for light games, it is fantastic.
It also performs pretty well for the particular brand of web development I do, which basically boils down to running VS Code, a browser, and a lot of ssh.
It's fascinating to me how people are still attached to the hardware upgrade cycle as an idea that matters, and yet for a huge chunk of people and scenarios, basically an SSD, 8gb of RAM and an Intel i5 from a decade ago could have been the end of computing history with no real loss to productivity.
I honestly look at people who use Apple or Windows with a bit of pity, because those ecosystems would just give me more stuff to worry about.
(In fact I DO have a spare 13 year old laptop hanging around that still gets used for web browsing, mail and stuff. It is not slow.)