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Yup. And 3) is particularly interesting. Lots of companies actually need to hire people who can get things done and who can build user-friendly software, yet they thought they needed to hire people who could turn any O(N^2) algorithms into O(N) or O(Nlog(N)).

And even for Google, leetcode has become noise because people simply cram them. When Microsoft started to use leetcode-style interviews, there were no interview site, and later there was this Cracking the Interview at most. So, people who aced the interview were either naturally talented or were so geeky that they devour math and puzzle books. Unfortunately, we have lost such signals nowadays.

> yet they thought they needed to hire people who could turn any O(N^2) algorithms into O(N) or O(Nlog(N))

And the great irony is that most software is slow as shit and resource intensive. Because yeah, knowing worst case performance is good to know, but what about mean? Or what you expect users to be doing? These can completely change the desired algorithm.

But there's the long joke "10 years of hardware advancements have been completely undone by 10 years of advancements in software."

Because people now rely on the hardware for doing things rather than trying to make software more optimal. It amazes me that gaming companies do this! And the root of the issue is trying to push things out quickly and so a lot of software is really just a Lovecraftian monster made of spaghetti and duct tape. And for what? Like Apple released the M4 today and who's going to use that power? Why did it take years for Apple to develop a fucking PDF reader that I can edit documents in? Why is it still a pain to open a PDF on my macbook and edit it on my iPad? Constantly fails and is unreliable, disconnecting despite being <2ft from one another. Why can't I use an iPad Pro as my glorified SSH machine? fuck man, that's why I have a laptop, so I can login to another machine and code there. The other things I need are latex, word, and a browser. I know I'm ranting a bit but I just feel like we in computer science have really lost this hacker mentality that was what made the field so great in the first place (and what brought about so many innovations). It just feels like there's too much momentum now and no one is __allowed__ to innovate.

To bring it back to interviewing signals, I do think the rant kinda relates. Because this same degradation makes it harder to determine in groups when there's so much pressure to be a textbook. But I guess this is why so many ML enthusiasts compare LLMs to humans, because we want humans to be machines.

Many software programs fail to achieve ultimate efficiency either because the software engineers are unable to do so, or because external factors prevent them from achieving it. I believe that in most cases, it is the latter.

I'd like to think the later because it makes us look better but I've seen how a lot of people code... I mean GPT doesn't just produce shit code because it can't reason... It'll only ever be as good as the data it was trained on. I teach and boy can I tell you that people do not sit down and take the time to learn. I guess this is inevitable when there's so much money. But this makes the interview easy, since passion is clear. I can take someone passionate and make them better than me but I can't make someone in it for the money even okay. You're hiring someone long term, so I'd rather someone that's always going to grow rather than someone who will stay static, even if the former is initially worse.

IME the most underrated optimization tool is the delete command. People don't realize that it's something you should frequently do. Delete a function, file, or even a code base. Some things just need to be rewritten. Hell, most things I write are written several times. You do it for an essay or any writing, why is code different?

Yeah, we have "move fast and break things" but we also have "clean up, everybody do their share." If your manager is pushing you around, ignore them. Manage your manager. You clean your room don't you? If most people's code was a house it'd be infested with termites and mold. It's not healthy. It wants to die. Stop trying to resuscitate it and let it die. Give birth to something new and more beautiful.

In part I think managers are to blame because they don't have a good understanding but also engineers are to blame for enabling the behavior and not managing your managers (you need each other, but they need you more).

I'll even note that we jump into huge code bases all the time, especially when starting out. Rewriting is a great way to learn that code! (Be careful pushing upstream though and make sure you communicate!!!) Even if you never push it's often faster in the long run. Sure, you can duct tape shit together but patch work is patch work, not a long term solution (or even moderate).

And dear God, open source developers, take your issues seriously. I know there's a lot of dumb ones, but a lot of people are trying to help and wanting to contribute. Every issue isn't a mark of failure, it's a mark of success because people are using your work. If they're having a hard time understanding the documentation, that's okay, your docs can be improved. If they want to do something your program can't, that's okay and you can admit that and even ask for help (don't fucking tell them it does and move on. No one's code is perfect, and your ego is getting in the way of your ego. You think you're so smart you're preventing yourself from proving how smart you are or getting smarter!). Close stale likely resolved issues (with a message like "reopen if you still have issues") but dear god, don't just respond and close an issue right away. Your users aren't door to door salesmen or Jehovah's Witnesses. A little kindness goes a long way.

> And the great irony is that most software is slow as shit and resource intensive

You really need those 100x faster algorithms when everything is a web or Electron app.

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