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I disagree, I think it's a failure of recruiting if you got someone into an interview who can't code "at all". That must mean nobody at the company is technical "at all" either then, if you are getting people that far along without having any clue if they even write code at all.

I don't have this problem - I can easily tell who is good and who is not good by looking at their stuff online, which repos they are contributing to and what their contribution is. I look at personal projects - I can easily tell what parts they wrote vs didn't because it's usually specific to the project.

I can tell from their blog posts and comments, especially GitHub comments - I can even see if they're pushing features at 11PM on a Friday if the obsession piece is crucial to the hire.

People who say all their work is hidden under NDA or they're new grads and haven't done anything yet - sorry, if there's nothing to view online I just wouldn't qualify you to interview.

Though I have given out 50+ code tests in my career because I had to, I would never choose to do this, if given the chance when hiring someone I would never give them a code test. I think it's an amateur move and wastes everyone's time. At its best (as in the case of CTCI interviews) it's an exclusivity filter for academics who memorized the optimal data structures for algorithms as taught in school, but the candidate might not have any of the skills needed to build app features, perform DevOps, etc. or even operate a Terminal - CTCI doesn't cover anything async, nothing about UIs, APIs, databases, services, git, design, file formats, etc. it's purely academic sport. And like I said, a good developer's work should be highly visible anyway - skip the random code test.

I would spend the recruiting effort finding specific developers using specific technologies that aligns with the role and making them excited about the opportunity rather than canvasing 1000 code tests out to anyone who applies.

> That must mean nobody at the company is technical "at all" either then, if you are getting people that far along without having any clue if they even write code at all.

Lots of people skate by in technical roles by barely doing anything technical. Lots of people also overinflate their achievements in resumes and conversations aka lying. How is non technical recruiter supposed to evaluate their coding chops?

> People who say all their work is hidden under NDA or they're new grads and haven't done anything yet - sorry, if there's nothing to view online I just wouldn't qualify you to interview.

Lol, great method! I have a better one - just hire acm winners. No need to test them

> People lie

Obviously taken into account - I still have no problem whatsoever identifying great developers on GitHub and I'm sure many other developers who actually code often could too. You have bigger problems if you can't tell if someone is lying or not about their abilities when all their work is visible to you. You should be able to easily tell what is theirs vs not.

> Lol, great method!

Yes people inflate their own egos and abilities - especially those who spend all their time interviewing others instead of building.

I prefer demonstrable experience for an engineer over standardized tests which tell you nothing about any real world experience: App architecture, async programming, APIs, UI, DOM, git, unit/e2e tests, any known framework or library, etc. A person who knows all those but hasn't memorized CTCI is a lot more useful than the CTCI memorizer with no evidence of work ever performed.

> when all their work is visible to you

Doesn't really happen reliably in the real world.

> You have bigger problems if you can't tell if someone is lying or not ...

Whether or not I have bigger problems is independent from whether I need to recruit more developers.

It's like a designer with no portfolio. A lot of them do exist actually, not saying they don't, but I would never hire one.

> While you're spending all your time and the company's money conducting maniacal quizzes and tests your competition is building features and teams and making progress

If your research on your candidates' profiles is of the same quality as you demonstrated nosing around my profile, I don't think any of your competition should be worried at all ;-)

No way to know for sure, but I'd guess the number of employed developers writing blogs and having personal projects is in the single digits. For developers with more than 20 years experience, I'd be surprised if it's even 1%. I've got more experience than that, which means I have an extensive network of former colleagues at a similar experience level and I don't know one single person who blogs about tech or works on personal projects. We all have busy family lives and plenty of money so absolutely no need to spend any personal time doing work related stuff.

Not to mention github profile eval would be much easier to game in the age of LLMs if it were to become mainstream. You can already kinda see the effects of these with people sending you mindless PRs fixing grammar and whatnot if you maintain any popular projects.

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