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Adding another comment here, because this is part of the reason why I wrote this article.

> These kind of articles make me sad because I (and many other interviewers I've worked with) try to make it clear that this isn't a test - we don't care so much about being "right" or "wrong", and there shouldn't be any tricks of "a ha" moments. > We explain the goals and what we're looking for right up front. And I would hope most interviewers do the same, but I guess not. So there's this persistent myth among both interviewers and candidates that coding questions are about getting a right answer.

I understand all of those things. I've written the same before[1]. However, as clear as your instructions are and as well meaning you may be, it may not help. I can logically understand every word you say, but as soon as that question rolls out, I will now be dealing with stress hormones and 30 years of learned behaviors from thousands of experiences, whether I choose to or not.

So while I applaud your methodology and wholeheartedly agree, just telling people that doesn't guarantee that it's not still an issue because humans are complex organisms.

[1]: https://darrenkopp.com/posts/2016/02/25/always-learn-somethi...

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