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I can't remember all of them, but the abbreviations sort of became a running joke amongst me and my coworkers; specifically we would use them for nicknames of managers we didn't like.

None of them were vulgar or anything, but for example we had taken to calling one of the managers "McNugs" because he stole a bunch of chicken nuggets (like literally a whole box, not just one or two from the line), tried to claim that the workers did it, and we actually needed to get the security footage to exonerate us, and surprisingly he wasn't fired for it. We all started calling him McNugs, which he absolutely hated, but I think he was afraid to do anything about it because he was already on thin ice for trying to frame us.

I might have them written down somewhere, I'll have to look.

Is the inventory tracked so closely that you can detect a missing box of McNugs?

Sort of; by "box", I mean it was like a 40-50lbs crate full of McNuggets. I didn't mean like six nugget box.

They noticed because we ran out of them during a rush hour and the owner of the franchise was confused because we should have had another box.

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