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I was under the influence of _deep_ rage at American traffic planners and municipal 'engineers' who commit themselves, deeply, to dehumanizing decisions, and then spend meaningful effort preventing OTHERS from tending to the spaces that they use.

It's one thing to be useless at your job. It's another thing to punch down at others trying to make their way through the world.

When I talk to professional planners, they're always so cute. "Wow, Josh, you're so interested in this domain, why don't you get into planning?"

I always say:

If you were as good at your job as you claim to be, I wouldn't need to spend my precious time trying to fix your shit. When the websites and services _I_ maintain go down, I don't expect _you_ to show up at a public meeting to 'give input' on what needs to be done. I fucking fix the thing that's broken, and until then, everyone's justifiably annoyed that the service is non-performant.

I expect minimum levels of safety and adequacy from the mobility network I use, for myself, my child, those I love, and indeed people I've never met.

I don't manage to hide my contempt for the professionals actively involved in permitting the death of tens of thousands of people _every year_.

But obviously, _obviously_, you don't have to read it.

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