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Yes, I like to call the style Procedural Composition. The key characteristics are no logic with IO, and all system functions are assembled from higher-order middleware functions. This is the way ring, the web framework, and various client libraries like clj-http work. One of the best ways to get familiar with it is to look at the ring libraries.

What this allows one to do is assemble handlers from lots of small higher order functions. It has the downside of one needing to have initialization well organized and thought out. But the fractal-cul-sac as one co-worker has nicknamed it of ever dividing and increasingly specialized functions with IO and logic twisted together is effectively prevented. One can always modify one handler without affecting others or changing how existing functionality works. And it is always testable in small unit tests because the logic is pure.

Systems built in this style can radically reform themselves in a controllable, reliable and consistent way indefinitely. They are immune to the "apogee" phenomena whereby a system gets to the size and fragility where it can no longer be modified without causing unforeseen regressions, triggering the need to rewrite it to move it forward.

This style is for handler-oriented procedural software common in web services etc. It does not apply to embedded state-machine oriented software that operates real-time control etc. That is a different problem space.

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