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Show HN: Tenv – OpenTofu, Terraform and Terragrunt version manager (github.com/tofuutils)
3 points by kvendingoldo 12 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
tenv, a versatile version manager for OpenTofu, Terraform and Terragrunt, written in Go. Our tool simplifies the complexity of handling different versions of these powerful tools, ensuring developers and DevOps professionals can focus on what matters most - building and deploying efficiently.

tenv is a successor of tofuenv and tfenv.

tenv is tailored for terraform/tofu and support of many specific language-based features, it's not just a version switcher like asdf.

tenv is available in brew/aur/choco and many other package managers.

Hi friends, I'm from tofuutils team and our team would like to support OpenTofu projects. If you want to do it with us, you're welcome. Now we're working on tenv which is used at many real projects instead of tfenv or tfswitch. In the near feature, we're going to create a replacement for tflint, because its became BSL as well as TErraform.

I like it. We switched from tfenv from tenv when OpenTofu released and really like to work with it. The additional cool thing - it does not require any dependencies like tfenv did.

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