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Sort of interesting, but I think does not negate the point. A dual income household is not necessarily a dual income married couple. For the purpose of calculating dual income households, you have to consider non married romantic partners and even just relatives and roommates. And again, retirees dropping things down.

I cannot find stats going back, but a majority of current households today are dual income. https://www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/2020/article/comparing-characte...

This effect of the median family being dual income is likely true for now, and false for 1940. It is much stronger if you subset down to "families", but this nuance doesn't likely appear in the "median household income".

That’s not 54.4% as dual income households that’s 54.4% as more than 1 income.

In the 1940’s multi generational households with multiple income earners were common. In 1940 only 7.8% of all households had a single person vs 26.7% by 2010. Working adult children would frequently stay at home until marriage and sometimes past that point.

This is one of those things you need actual data based on similar definitions to compare.

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