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> seems to have 0% chance of succeeding for almost any project.

Its obviously more than 0% given xz was successfully taken over and backdoored. Even a 5% chance of malicious takeover per project would make the situation pretty worrying given how many well funded, motivated government agencies are out there.

I'm not talking about xz, I'm talking about that OpenJS thing: random people emailing out of the blue "plz gimme maintainer". Entirely different situation.

I did quote the "three JS projects were targeted in failed attempts" bit, which should have made that abundantly clear.

Is it a different situation? Seems similar to me, except the examples we know about (the obvious ones) are the low skill examples. If someone played the long game like xz and made some helpful improvements to the project in that time, we wouldn’t know about it.

People have also done the same thing (to great effect) on the chrome extension “store” to get all manner of malware into chrome extension updates.

“Nobody unsubtle was successful” tells us nothing about the success rate of subtle attackers. It’s like looking at all the dodgy ssh and http requests any host on the internet is connected to and concluding “yep, 0% of low effort script kiddie attacks get through. I’m 100% safe from hackers!”

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