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I hope there is a better way to maintain open source projects without being overly cautious and suspicious of every PR someone makes. Maintaining open source projects is hard, and this is going to slow down development on many projects. And, rightly so, it's better to make a good code base, rather than one that is littered with backdoors.

I wonder what could make this situation better for the maintainers of open source projects?

Designing for safety helps a lot. Memory safe languages, reproducible builds, encoding safety properties in the type systems, and so on.

Sure, an attacker can subvert the types as well as the code, or use unsafe code, or try to tamper with infrastructure, but the more obvious it is that something is unsafe, the harder an attacker's job is.

The xz attacker introduced high-risk features over time and used them to justify weakening security controls and things that might have detected the problem. A culture of safety over the absolute best possible performance might help to make such attempts harder.

Public funding for security maintenance.

And serious taxation of tech companies.

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