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+1. My team still favors batteries-included style systems, even if it means missing out on the latest thing all the cool kids on the internet are talking about. For languages, this usually means sticking with the standard library that ships with it along with one or two libraries that augment it (e.g., BOOST for C++). It's not like "batteries included" eliminates the problem - a bad actor can wander in there and cause trouble. It's just a much more controlled environment that often has a process for contributing. I'm not a fan of the move of languages away from rich standard libraries to the "Random Interconnected Pile Of Internet Stuff".

Unfortunately people like me are in the minority it seems, and the "move fast and break stuff" mentality seems to still dominate the open source world even if that phrase has fallen out of favor - the attitude still seems to exist.

in open source you rarely have the cohesion of a full team to NIH all the stuff that you could pull in libraries for...

The swan, the pike, and the crawfish.

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