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Facebook (and all the other big tech companies) are entrenched monopolists that engage in illegal business practices to maintain their position. This is a net negative for society overall, and a huge detriment to innovation. They're able to spend that much on GPUs (and have to because Nvidia doesn't have real competition either) because of the stranglehold they have over their markets, not because they earned that in the free market through the means by which the free market is meant to work (competition, best product/service wins, etc). That money they spent is being used incredibly inefficiently because of this. With more competition, a lot more would be done with a lot less.

Facebook tossing us a pseudo-open source kinda-free LLM will make some of the nerds on this site happy though (like how decades of evil from Microsoft were erased with the release of a free text editor lol). I guess that's all that really matters at the end of the day.

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