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> And I think you probably see a parallel in state-based information warfare

My own research shows it’s the opposite: they destroy trust in institutions and experts by telling the truth when those groups lie to their own citizens.

The US did this routinely during the Cold War.

More recent examples include:

- demographic facts about murder, violence, and police

- demographic facts about college enrollment, eg the racism at Harvard

- George Floyd’s autopsy report

- images of cities burning; reports of the 70+ people murdered

- facts about COVID

- facts about COVID vaccines

- facts about Ukraine’s status on the battlefield

- footage of Nazis in Ukraine

- facts about Tavistock and WPATH lacking scientific evidence for their recommendations

Because institutions and experts have normalized lying to “nudge” the public via narrative manipulation, it has become easy for adversaries to undermine the nation by showing contrary facts.

People become more radicalized by demonstrating with evidence a supposed ally has betrayed them, eg, your government lying to you. Once broke, trust in institutions and experts takes generations to repair — or a replacement of those institutions entirely.

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