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From the linked tweet: "Yann LeCun confirms that Meta spent $30 billion on a million NVIDIA GPUs"

Yann is not a CFO. If I buy a house tomorrow, I don't just consider it a massive one-day expense. They will amortize the cost over the useful life of the hardware.

This was addressing the second point which is relevant to the headline: "There's no way Meta is paying retail."

Meta doesn't have the electrical capacity to online a million 700W GPUs in 12 months. And they don't pay until they're delivered.

Adding 700MW in GPUs in 12 months is within Meta's capabilities.

Meta's 2023 electricity usage was 11.5 terawatt-hours [1]. They've historically added about two terawatt-hours per year. That's only 228 MW of additional capacity per year.

[1] https://www.statista.com/statistics/580087/energy-use-of-fac...

Sure, but in every historical year they are also trying not to increase energy use, for cost reasons -- they have not been build-out limited. I don't think adding an additional 150% of historical average is especially challenging (beyond the huge OpEx expenditure, which isn't a problem for Meta).

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