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> Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) or Multifactor Authentication (MFA).

Not on any third party system, where you're locked out forever if you lose your second factor. Fuck that!

Only self-hosted, where you can recover via physical access.

(That should actually be the first advice: host the stuff yourself. People lose control of projects due to hosting them on third party services. Be the guy who can pull the power cord out of the wall.)

> Not on any third party system, where you're locked out forever if you lose your second factor.

Every two-factor system I've ever seen is actually two-of-three, with an account recovery code that you save elsewhere.

I lost all my two-factor auths when my phone got wrecked, it was annoying to reestablish access to those accounts (and I now use a TOTP client which backs the tokesn up), but it was tedious rather than difficult.

> and I now use a TOTP client which backs the tokens up

What are some good options for this? I think my ideal solution would export an encrypted file, a bit like KeePass does on the desktop, but I don't know of many mobile apps for that.

I use FreeOTP for iOS.

It has two security levels: normal-level security codes will unlock when the phone is unlocked, high-level security codes require a separate unlock to get the code. The former back up to iCloud (E2E encrypted), the latter don't back up.

andOTP on Android does encrypted backups. I once recovered by loading a backup in android emulator :)

Thanks! That one looks cool, but apparently is unmaintained: https://github.com/andOTP/andOTP

Aegis on Android.

It was not difficult because you actually had the recovery codes. How many people have them?

Also you're supposed to print them. Where? How many people own a printer? If you print them in a shop they can be considered compromised.

The recovery codes I've seen tend to have been 10 8-digit sequences.

If you don't have a printer and care about recovery codes, those are easy enough to transfer manually onto dead-tree material using a stylus-like handheld device that deposits graphite or ink onto the surface it touches.

Except that you need to decipher your own handwriting years after having written it. And you also need to remember where you safely stored it.

When I know it's important to decipher something later, I have a 100% accurate decoding rate on my own handwriting, so that's not a problem. It's not hard to write clearly and carefully. In addition, they give you ten codes to use, so you'd need to make indecipherable errors in all of them. Also, having a safe place to store documents is table stakes for adulthood.

We're talking about software developers, right?

I would hope that when a software dev sees a widget that says "these are your recovery codes, write them down or copy them to a secure location or you may lose access to your account", they do exactly that.

Except for codes which protect my money (which go onto paper, which goes in a safe), I put them in a password vault. TOTP offers protection against getting shoulder-surfed, key logged, or phished, it isn't much protection if Mallory gets access to my entire password vault. YMMV.

> I would hope that when a software dev sees a widget that says "these are your recovery codes, write them down or copy them to a secure location or you may lose access to your account", they do exactly that.

Yes software developers are known for never making any mistake.

yes and no.

i hate 2FA as well, but in the end, even if i loose my access to github i only loose access to my github identity but i don't loose access to my code, so i can live with that.

of course in the light of this discussion losing access to my github identity would be part of the problem, so it's a tradeoff. is it more likely that someone will break into my account and abuse my identity if i don't have 2FA or is it more likely that i loose my second factor and have to rebuild my identity. in the latter case someone else could also pretend to be me, but since the xz debacle both of us would face more scrutiny that my hope still is that i would win.

will the real eMBee please raise their hand?

> if i loose my access to github i only loose access to my github identity but i don't loose access to my code, so i can live with that.

That means that you need to fork your own project, and there is no way to communicate it to the users, since the new account could just be someone pretending to be you.

If there is a security vulnerability, it would remain unfixed forever.

> is it more likely that someone will break into my account and abuse my identity if i don't have 2FA or is it more likely that i loose my second factor and have to rebuild my identity

Since phones are very easy to break, and until very recently there was no way to backup google authenticator, I'd say that losing your 2nd factor was the most likely of the two.

Now if you say that you backup your 2nd factor seed in your password manager, where your password is… congratulations you're doing over-complicated 1 factor authentication!

well, yes, exactly. once i realized that, my reaction was: why thank you github, you just made my one factor auth more complicated for little gain. well, ok, i don't store the otp with the password, so cracking the password became a bit more complicated too. but for example committing code doesn't require otp and my browser has me permanently logged in, so where exactly is the added safety now?

as for the lost identity. a new user could at least share a warning. that user doesn't have to be trusted to get others to be more vigilant and scrutinize the code very carefully as eg was done with XZ once the issue was discovered. imagine an unknown user would have alerted the community that the maintainer account was compromised or locked out. they could have reached out to people who know them to verify their identity and to corroborate the claim. it would be a long and tedious process, but at least any attacker would be prevented from getting any further advantage too.

it could still mean loss off the maintainership and loss of users, but i can also host my projects in multiple places so that only part of my known and verifiable identity can get compromised at once.

in the end it's partly security theater, partly arms race, partly an improvement through raised awareness...


gee, people can't take a bit of humor to make a point?

Strange reaction. They created an account just for you and the joke. You should be flattered.

who did? ;-)

i wasn't complaining about that, but about the downvotes of the comment

Oh, I completely misunderstood. Now I get it. Sorry!

HN has traditionally been a bit more resistant to humor, even slightly more witty humor.

yeah, that's why from time to time i like to resist back a little. there is room for the occasional witty response to lighten up the mood

I thought that was all pretty funny.

You're not alone. It made me laugh too.

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