Now that we can "rotoscope" full motion video via AI, Koko the Clown becomes an even better mascot.
[would Betty Boop then be an appropriate mascot for what Linebarger quaintly calls "Oestrous Propaganda"? As evidence that even in the 1940s and 1950s scientists and other men of culture were punctilious with providing sources, here's Linebarger:
> Figure 31: Oestrous Black. Young human beings, especially young males, are apt to give considerable attention to sex. In areas of military operations, they are removed from the stimuli of secondary sex references which are (in America) an accepted part of everyone's daily life: bathing beauty photos, magazine covers, semi-nudes in advertisements, etc. Our enemies tried to use the resulting pin-up craze for propaganda purposes, hoping that a vain arousal of oestrum would diminish morale. This choice Japanese item is from the Philippines. (The best collection of these is kept in a locked file—for experts only—at the Library of Congress.) ]
Lagniappe: (the Gaidai movie referred to Pushkin, so there are layers under layers here; judging by geography I wouldn't even be surprised if the surface layer were also referring to the third)
> The Army’s psychological warfare soldiers are using their brand of mental combat to bring in what the service needs: recruits