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What Bard couldn't understand was that what I actually expected it to do was to write (well, steal, these things are simply giving answers that look like plausible answers by recombining other people's work) a function that takes a long piece of text and turns it into a palindrome. It cannot deal with ambiguity and imprecision, but will refuse how to acknowledge that fact and will keep generating random answers like a public schoolboy who insists on winning an argument despite not knowing a thing about what it is he's arguing for or against. When I asked Bard a more precise question and asked for a function that takes a long piece of text and turns it into a palindrome it gave me a different implementation of it every time I asked the same question behaving like a kid who has no clue, but will give a random answer and watch the teacher to see if the teacher accepts it.

I will not argue with Bard or any other tool of that sort. I have better things to do. They are supposed to be good at translation, so I thought ok, let's try giving it a piece of my own writing in English and ask it to translate it into French (a gendered language). It could not infer from the text that the internal monologue that the protagonist was a female, so it translated it all using male voice. I asked it to switch gender to female voice but it stopped doing so after translating about two pages of the text and even on those two pages it kept switching to male voice. Then, after translating three pages it replied "I don't know how to do it" when I asked it translate another page, even though I used the same prompt I was using to ask it to translate previous pages. These are toys not tools. They are shit at their job and a waste of time and electricity.

Since you are Polish, I was told by my Polish colleagues that onet.pl, a large Polish news site uses AI to auto-translate articles from foreign media sources and that all of those translations are done in the male voice, even when the original text clearly describes what a woman did or said. My colleagues say it's been going on for a while and nobody bothers to fix these translations. If true, the future is here, it is shit, and AI is good at one thing that VCs love to fund, i.e. extraction of value through destruction of value.

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