> What is the difference between "verifying" the correctness of code, as they say here, vs "proving" the correctness of code, as I sometimes see said elsewhere?
In this context it is the same.
> Also, is there a good learning resource on "proving" things about code for working programmers without a strong CS / math background?
I wish. The Dafny docs are pretty good but IMO formal software verification is not really at the point where it is usable for normal programmers like us who don't have a PhD in CS / maths. The examples make it look relatively easy, but you will quickly run into "nope, couldn't prove it" and the answer as to why is some hardcore implementation detail that only the authors would know.
> IMO formal software verification is not really at the point where it is usable for normal programmers like us who don't have a PhD in CS / maths.
I know. Four decades ago I headed a project to build a system amazingly similar to this one, intended for real-time automobile engine control code.[1][2] This new system for Rust looks practical. It seems to be intended for people who need bug-free code. Most verification systems come from people in love with formalism. Those involve too much human labor.
- The assertions and invariants need to be part of the language. Not something in comments, and not different syntax. They should be syntax and type checked during compiles, even if the compiler doesn't do much with them.
- It's useful to work off the compiler's intermediate representation rather than the raw source code. Then you're sure the compiler and verifier interpret the syntax the same way.
- SAT solvers aren't powerful enough to do the whole job, and systems like Coq are too manual. You need two provers. A SAT solver is enough to knock off 90% of the proofs automatically. Then, the programmer focuses the problem by adding assertions, until you get the point where you have
and just need to prove that a implies b as an abstraction mostly separate from the code.
Then you go to the more elaborate prover. We used the Boyer-Moore prover for that. After proving a implies b, that became a theorem/rule the fast prover could use when it matched. So if the same situation came up again in code, the rule would be re-used automatically.
I notice that the examples for this verified Rust system don't seem to include a termination check for loops. You prove that loops terminate by demonstrating that some nonnegative integer expression decreases on each iteration and never goes negative. If you can't prove that easily, the code has no place in mission-critical code.
Microsoft's F* is probably the biggest success in this area.[3]
Formal software verification encompasses a wide set of what we refer to as advanced mathematics. The process of taking some thing you want the code to do, correctly abstracting it out into component lemmas, and generating proofs for those lemmas, is itself advanced mathematics. I don't really see a way that this could be simplified.
Formal hardware verification has been much more successful in industry. Are there fundamental differences in the types of problems that they solve? EDA companies have been able to create tools that don't require a PhD in Math to be used effectively.
I think that the explanation for such different levels of success is that economic incentives are different. The cost of a hardware bug is much much higher than the cost of the average software bug; this means that hardware companies are willing to spend a lot of money in getting designs right the first time, versus software companies that know they can always make bug fixes in new versions of their products.
Additionally, hardware companies are used to paying millions of dollars in software licenses, which is not common in the software world.
> My guess is it's because the problem is so much simpler. No variables, no loops, no recursion, etc.
My guess: it's because people actually care about correctness for hardware. It's really expensive to throw out all those fab runs when you notice you messed up...
Yes, the challenge in any formal software verification is dealing with unbounded inputs and compute durations, as enabled by recursive programs. If the code under analysis is straight-line non-reentrant basic logical blocks, the verification is quite trivial indeed. This is vaguely the case for hardware verification, though of course there are complexities introduced by the physical nature of the embedding.
That would only cover the simplest feed-forward designs: combinational circuits and versions with extra registers added for timing reasons.
As soon as you introduce any kind of feedback in your RTL design it's possible to do any kind of computation that SW can do and therefore proving correctness is difficult.
Is it really that advanced? Do you actually need more logic tools than what was used in the 19th century to formalize real analysis? Things get complicated if you want to put the proofs into the types, but I don't think this is the main approach the industry uses for certifying software for high-integrity applications (in cases there is a requirement for formal verification, which seems to be less and less the case).
I don't think it's the mathematics, it's the tools. If the proof is separate and needs to be kept aligned with the specification and implementation manually, that's not really useful except for niche applications. Integrated approaches (like Verus here, or SPARK in the Ada context) should solve the implementation/proof gap, but such tools are not widely available for languages people actually use.
This is why I think interactive proof assistants (as opposed to "automatic" ones like Dafny), are a better starting point for learning. You're still gonna need to learn some higher level concepts, but you won't have the frustrating experience of the automation just failing and leaving you shrugging.
If you stick with it long enough, you'll even build up to Hoare logic which is the underpinning the tools like dafny use to generate the equations they throw to the solver.
I've found the DX of Dafny to be very approachable. The VSCode extension is pretty great, and you get feedback as you type. Also, its ability to give you counter examples in the IDE is really nice.
In this context it is the same.
> Also, is there a good learning resource on "proving" things about code for working programmers without a strong CS / math background?
I wish. The Dafny docs are pretty good but IMO formal software verification is not really at the point where it is usable for normal programmers like us who don't have a PhD in CS / maths. The examples make it look relatively easy, but you will quickly run into "nope, couldn't prove it" and the answer as to why is some hardcore implementation detail that only the authors would know.