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I think it would be quite mentally difficult to be successful at writing device drivers (any hardware device, many different fields) if a person had the slightest reservation about debugging. I've got past a lot of blockers by creative trial and error and making it work was the satisfaction driver. I actually enjoy the making things work part. I have had employees who felt the same, one of my jobs was telling management to fuck off while the person worked on the bug, for days without result if need be[1]. The "just writing code" part is how one actually gets to the interesting part where I earn my salary.

I have no idea how an LLM could help with that process.

[1] I successfully found a bug in a CFD solver (not a device driver) in the early days of templated g++ only after 2 weeks of fairly grueling half time work. Missing ampersand in an argument list. Believe it or not I was very happy and doubled down on the code. However! I once fucked up a job situation where my MPI-IO driver failed because I had a very subtle linux RAID hardware bug that I could not find after weeks of effort. I found it later, too late. That truly sucked. I really don't know how LLMs could possibly help with any of this.

LLM can't find a missing ampersand? Sad!

In 1993 or so g++ couldn't do it, but I suspect that all c++ compilers today would. Then why would I need anything else? However the point is that when dealing with proprietary hardware devices you occasionally get a situation where the incantations as "documented" should work, but they don't, and the usual software process diagnostics are silent about it. Some domain specific experienced creativity is required to coax a response to begin finding the illness. Yes you can pay for support and escalate but small shop management sometimes is a bit hesitant to pay for that.

I am very curious how an LLM is supposed to be trained on situations whose context does not exist on the open internet.

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