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With super difficult algorithmic code, for me, it works best to just start writing and then fix, than to get stuck not knowing how to write.

Algorithmic code aside, I’m learning cuda now, and I just told gpt to write me some code and I debugged it then (with gpt’s assistance as well). It took me an hour to produce something that I expected it would take 2-3 days otherwise.

As for picking up what doesn’t look right - if it doesn’t work, you can pinpoint place where sth is messed up using a debugger/prints, and then you learn how the code works on the way.

I remember that when I was learning to program 30 years ago was the same - I rewrote pong game from a magazine, then kept changing and messing up things until I learned how it should work.

It’s like having infinite stack overflow examples (and explanations) to sample from and iterate on. It’s unlikely any one of them will solve a complex problem you’re working on but by reading and experimenting with enough of them eventually you grok it.

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