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> They just call out the surgery in an attempt to claim that with a tubal ligation, talc should be blocked from moving up the fallopian tubes. They don't even realize they contradicted their own results.

They did address this and noted that in patients with tubal ligation the talc distribution was different and lymphatic rather than “mechanical” through the fallopian tubes.

Still not sure what your angle is here.

It’s known that talc is inflammatory. It’s literally used with that intention medically. We don’t use powdered latex gloves in the modern day nearly as frequently as before, mostly because of latex allergy but also due to concerns that talc exposure leads to worse peritoneal scarring/adhesions.

The fact that talc is present inside the surgical specimens is bad in and of itself, regardless of how it got there. That implies an environmental cause for the malignancy, a la asbestos or smoking.

I’m not sure you understood my reply at all.

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