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>> Having an oracle that knows all answers is useless if you don't know what to ask.

That is a great point. The issue of not asking the right questions has been around as far as I can remember but I guess it wasn't seen as the bottleneck because people were so focused on solving problems by any means possible that they never had to think about solving problems in a simple way. We're still very far from that though and in some ways we have taken steps back. I hope AI will help to shift human focus towards code architecture because that's something that has been severely neglected. Most complex projects I've seen are severely over-engineered... They are complex but they should not have grown to hundreds of thousands of lines of code; had people asked the right questions, focused on the right problems and chosen the right trade-offs, they would have been under 10K lines and way more efficient, interoperable and reliable.

I should note though, that my experience with coding with AI is that it often makes mistakes for complex algorithms, or it implements them in an inefficient way and I almost always have to change them. I get a lot of benefit from asking questions about APIs and to verify my assumptions or if I need a suggestion about possible approaches to do something.

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