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So do I, and worse. Look, all I’m saying is I’m thankful for this crutch that helps me deal with the limitations of my associative memory, so as long as it can’t think and can’t replace me entirely

bacopa and lions mane was night and day for my limited memory. But, the obvious, writing simpler code, keeping a notebook while working, etc, and really spending time breaking down problems into much smaller scopes, while simultaneously keeping copious notes on where I am in a given process helped immensely with dealing with peanut brained memory. sure, it's not quick, but my work is usually very readable and understandable for the future reader. I'm not convinced that a tool to help me overcome that memory barrier would actually help me write better code, maybe just write worse code faster. Of course, that's probably the corporate goal though.

Lions mane didn't seem to do much for me. My memory is actually not that bad, though certainly I have seen people with _much_ better memory than mine. I still maintain contact with some of them I met in college, and then later in the various companies. It's just that I deal with so much information and so many streams of it, even writing it down would be a massive chore.

I would pay for a pre-packaged system which could _locally_ and _privately_ make sense of all the emails, PDFs, slack messages, web pages I saw, other documents shared with me, code, etc etc, and make it all easily queryable with natural language, with references back to the sources. Sooner or later someone will make something like that.

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