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OK, I didn't actually read the "I give up on doing this in Rust" section very carefully.

The article capitulates:

> last time I asked how to do that in my company’s Slack channel, the responses I received were something like “don’t” and “why would you do that?” and “someone please call security.” It should not have been a surprise, as an AST is basically a linked list with extra steps, and Rust hates linked lists.

If I didn't tell myself "go find a good solution", I might have not found someone suggesting "Just use a bump allocator and make your nodes live until one exact, shared lifetime."

The article does agree in principle with this solution:

> In my experience, it’s quite easy to do away with the ceremony of making each node hold a reference count altogether, and instead decide on a more disciplined approach to ownership.

I think this is one of those examples where you get a principled, elegant and safe solution.

You just gotta find it first.

But here it is.

(Also, I read about it on a forum when searching for a better solution than box_patterns.)

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