> Also, I have been noticing that Spring have become synonym of Java (Most of the time when I apply for a Java Developer job they ask about Spring), I can grasp it on the job.
Saying you can learn it on the job is a meaningless statement if you have nothing to back it up with. They will not just take you on your word. You need to get ahead of their expectations and learn Spring.
> I need to refresh some Algorithms knowledge, I have devoted sometime learning Scala for example, and a little bit of Haskell.
Brushing up on algorithms can't hurt, but those languages have nothing to do with that. They will not help you with your goal of landing a job at all.
> I firmly believe I can help with something in a Software oriented company, even data wrangling or any other task nobody else likes to do.
Don't ever bring that line of thinking to any sort of an interview. Preferably don't even think in that way at all. Coming off as a beggar is the worst thing you can do.
First impression: the design is straight from the early 2000's. The first impression is all it takes, so you're getting disqualified immediately by anyone who opens your website.
Make a proper modern project that showcases your skills. An e-commerce website is generally a good choice, a copy of Amazon basically. User authentication, payments, nice repo on github with CI, all the best pracices, etc. Spend ~3 months on it and link to it directly from your CV.
Saying you can learn it on the job is a meaningless statement if you have nothing to back it up with. They will not just take you on your word. You need to get ahead of their expectations and learn Spring.
> I need to refresh some Algorithms knowledge, I have devoted sometime learning Scala for example, and a little bit of Haskell.
Brushing up on algorithms can't hurt, but those languages have nothing to do with that. They will not help you with your goal of landing a job at all.
> I firmly believe I can help with something in a Software oriented company, even data wrangling or any other task nobody else likes to do.
Don't ever bring that line of thinking to any sort of an interview. Preferably don't even think in that way at all. Coming off as a beggar is the worst thing you can do.
> https://calebjosue.gigalixirapp.com/
First impression: the design is straight from the early 2000's. The first impression is all it takes, so you're getting disqualified immediately by anyone who opens your website.
Make a proper modern project that showcases your skills. An e-commerce website is generally a good choice, a copy of Amazon basically. User authentication, payments, nice repo on github with CI, all the best pracices, etc. Spend ~3 months on it and link to it directly from your CV.