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Which AI specifically? Because every LLM I've tried has usually failed miserably at producing code with non-trivial requirements after they were patiently repeated multiple times and came with clear examples.

This tells me that anyone asserting what you said is either 1) not a developer, 2) taking buggy code at face value, or 3) taking 10x the time it would take an average developer to patiently guide the LLM to a working solution.

> Which AI specifically? Because every LLM I've tried has usually [...]

I think pipeline_peak's remark is unwarranted, but we probably should be trying to look ahead a number of decades (depending on how long you have left in your career) rather than only considering what's possible with today's LLMs. Two years ago, before ChatGPT and DALL-E 2, many would've considered what's being done now with generative AI as infeasible.

But even with current LLMs, I've been surprised at GPT-4 Turbo's ability to produce working scripts for problems that, though maybe not the most challenging, weren't entirely trivial. I'd speculate there are a number of useful tasks within the LLM's capacity and just needing a good integration. Maybe Microsoft releases a designer tool that allows creating static company websites, iterating based on client prompts and the model's vision capability, for example.

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