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> instead of dereferencing lhs on the third line: emplace_back returns a reference to the inserted item, so it's a &unique_ptr...and that reference is invalidated by the rhs emplace_back reallocating the vector.

Correct but only under the assumption that growing the backing storage of std::vector is implemented through a completely new instance of malloc, which indeed seems to be the case with libstdc++ implementation AFAICS.

Otherwise, if realloc had been used, such condition wouldn't be guaranteed since realloc can grow from existing memory and thus not invalidating all other references to it.

That said, I wonder if this behavior is mandated by the standard. https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/container/vector/emplace_b... implies that it is but I didn't check

    If after the operation the new size() is greater than old capacity() a reallocation takes place, in which case all iterators (including the end() iterator) and all references to the elements are invalidated. Otherwise only the end() iterator is invalidated.

This comment is pedantic but not relevant, the grandparent comment was right. If the vector is reallocated to a new location in memory (either because it uses malloc or because realloc can't grow the existing allocation and must allocate somewhere new), the references will be invalidated and the behavior of this program is undefined. Using realloc would not make this code correct.

The references also won't be invalidated if there's no need to reallocate, because the vector has enough space. Enumerating the cases in which this wouldn't cause UB does not change the fact that there are cases in which it would cause UB.

I'm sure it feels good to make comments like this, but it's a disservice to newer developers who may be misled by your comment about whether or not this code contains UB.

My comment acknowledges the issue mentioned by the parent comment and extends it with extra information out of my own curiosity, and which others may find useful or valuable too. Or not. I don't care.

There surely could exist std::vector implementation with std::realloc implementation under the hood where the issue described wouldn't always be reproducible? I think that MSVC actually uses this technique AFAIR.

Unfortunately, C++ containers generally cannot use realloc, because they are required to invoke their elements' move/copy constructors when their addresses change.

Yes, you're correct that generally you would not be able to use realloc for reasons you mentioned (and also because of destructors) but for simple POD (trivially-constructible) types I think it should be possible, no?

In that case, realloc will either

(1) grow the existing memory, perhaps default initialize it, and call it a day

(2) Or if growing the memory is not possible, (a) allocate a new region of memory, (b) memcpy the contents from the old block and (c) free the old block.

Perhaps I am missing something but I think those are all the guarantees that realloc is giving to you.

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