The raku devs are working away on rakuAST, which is now in v6.PREVIEW and early adoption is eased by the Slangify module
raku’s killer app is its built-in Grammars … now you can write Actions that build AST right in your code. What does this mean? You can define your own Domain Specific Language (DSL) in your code and then just tag the blocks that use it. (Well raku is anyway a collaborative set of DSLs - eg for regexes, quoting constructs - but AST now makes this extensible by user code)
The first examples of this are Brainf*k and BASIC interpreters.
raku’s killer app is its built-in Grammars … now you can write Actions that build AST right in your code. What does this mean? You can define your own Domain Specific Language (DSL) in your code and then just tag the blocks that use it. (Well raku is anyway a collaborative set of DSLs - eg for regexes, quoting constructs - but AST now makes this extensible by user code)
The first examples of this are Brainf*k and BASIC interpreters.
Checkout this introduction…