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The route linked here is the least impressive page of the site. It's very empty, the text "Click the button above to get started" is a bit vague, because the New button is not directly above it. Make it more idiot proof for a visitor to check out the edit mode IMO and make it clearer that you can actually edit the page live.

The link here: https://demo.gocodestudio.com/studio/, was pretty cool, I tried editing the text, copy pasting the underline animation, and editing the code behind one of the components. I agree that we can make coding web pages a lot more intuitive while still maintaining flexibility.

The code box that pops up in the editor is a bit buggy. Backspacing to replace some of the styles, it wasn't always clear where the cursor really was.

I think instead of just the pure css styles, maybe have a mode where people can adjust the styles via natural language. Yes, how typical to have an LLM angle to it. But CSS is a PITA to learn and remember for a lot of people, I think natural language could help here. Maybe if I say 'update font size' for the paragraph component, a popup can open showing the font sizes in the theme, and offer previews at different responsive breakpoints. I like what you have but I guess it needs to be cleaned up a bit, and perhaps pushed farther in some areas before I would abandon my old IDE.

Thanks for trying it! I agree the dashboard is definitely lacking, and your feedback helps me know what direction to go to improve it.

I'll work on making the code editor work better.

The natural language idea is really cool, I would have never thought of that. I think that's a great approach to using an LLM in a useful way.

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