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> And by thinking within the boundaries of our paradigm, we can conclude that this particular combination of technology and culture has not spread throughout our galaxy.

Yep, its basically what the relevant xkcd comic explains:


> If that is physically possible. Which we have fairly strong evidence against.

We don't. Our science is not all-encompassing.

> superluminal spacetravel without a shred of evidence is folly.

This sentence and your sentences preceding this one contradict. Solely the very concept of quantum entanglement broke all the preexisting notions about how existence worked. Its something that shouldn't have happened according to all the 'hard' evidence we had beforehand.

Apparently, the evidence we had before wasn't so 'hard'. Just like how the evidence we have currently is not.

> But you're so frothy about the possibility that physics is wrong

Leaving your choice of words aside, physics is !regularly! wrong just like all the other sciences.


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