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See the comment a few levels up about windows 10 literally promising to be the last version of windows and only updates from now on.

Technically Windows 11 is an update of Windows 10. Look at the version number. It's 10.0.x.x.

And seriously, nobody ever promised there will be updates for old hardware for eternity.

The hardware requirements are arbitrary though. It is more of a severe shortcoming of the OS because they want to enforce certain machine DRM.

And certainly not because of security, that wasn't a priority at Microsoft.

But they are excluding recent (maybe also current?) hardware, unnecessarily.

Yes, they are, but that's not related to the version number. Things like that also happened before on a smaller scale with windows 10 updates.

I make no comment on version numbers. It sounded like you were saying they're only dropping support for old hardware, which is not the case.

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