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It's not fine. File explorer context menu, taskbar, it was a half baked OS when first released. It improved, but they shouldn't have release it as it was. Taskbar is still a mess, sometimes I have to reboot to get it working again. And still I can't move on the side.

I haven't had any problem with any of those things - maybe I lucked out with hardware support.

However, some longstanding problems I had on Windows with controller and displays and accessories have finally just disappeared.


You still can't move taskbar on the side, something you could do for decades.

There is a decade old rule: don't upgrade to the next windows version before the first Service Pack is released.

Dude, it's not 2014. Decade*s* old rule!

Tell me I’m getting old without telling me I’m getting old. Thanks! ;)

For the taskbar, usually just restarting explorer.exe should do the trick.

Open Task Manager, search for explorer.exe or Windows Explorer, right-click and restart.

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