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I miss water fountains that you can drink directly from, as opposed to those that can only fill up a bottle. There's one outside Blackhorse Road tube that only does the latter, you have to contort yourself to drink directly from it and people will look at you like you're mad.

I always prefer the bottle filling stations over drinking fountains, for the 20% of the time that I actually have a bottle with me.

In gyms/libraries/airports it always feels like refilling stations get 5x more use than drinking fountains, but when you're anywhere else, what are the odds you're carrying a bottle?

Consider getting a water bottle?

Why do you think it's a good thing that I must have a bottle with me in order to drink from a public water fountain?

To be clear, I think fountains should do both direct drink and bottle fill-up.

Is it common where you live to only have the bottle fill up? Every time I've seen them in Oregon, California, Washington, and Illinois, there's either a drinking fountain right under it or within a few steps' distance away.

Here in Texas we also have the drinking fountain and water bottle combo and I've seen them in most places.

Because you’re encountering bottle fill stations that don’t have an attached water fountain. Your other options (at first glance) are to complain to your public works department or to keep being annoyed by the problem, neither of which is likely to actually fix the problem.

And my experience conventions, even when they give out water bottles in the initial swag bag, is people mostly just want to grab a disposable plastic bottle.

I’m actually fine with tap water most of the time but I want to carry a bottle to sessions etc.

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