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It's incrediblly slow and inefficient. Both client and sever. They need to rewrite in WASMb+ webgl for frontend.

When I saw they committed to using SVG as their renderer out of some philosophical principle around purity and “using the platform”, I knew the performance potential was doomed from the start. It’s was far too easy to grind penpot to a halt last I tried it.

That is the biggest pain point. They are not even using canvas , let alone webgl/webgpu. We had tried designing and all it can casually handle is about 5 pages at the same time in a view , after than zoom become jittered and browser crashes started to happen. Also the server disconnects happen frequently ( i am running a quad core Xeon server with 64 GB Ram , it eats about 20GB of RAM and very slow)

Downvote all you want bots , that is the truth. If you can try to come up with proper arguments.

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