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The huge volume of boilerplate makes the code harder to read, and annoying to write. I like go, and I don’t want exceptions persay, but I would love something that cuts out all the repetitive noise.

This has not been my experience. It doesn’t make the code harder to read, but it forces you to think about all the code paths—if you only care about one code path, the error paths may feel like “noise”, but that’s Go guiding you toward better engineering practices. It’s the same way JavaScript developers felt when TypeScript came along and made it painful to write buggy code—the tools guide you toward better practices.

> The huge volume of boilerplate makes the code harder to read, and annoying to write

That may be superficially true but don’t forget our brain is structured to optimize every repetitive work or some boilerplates, we can basically use “strcpy” and “string_copy” we are so used to all these that even if repeated a billion times it can be processed fast

The example in the article is a good one. Result and Optional as first class sum types

That just changes the boilerplate from if's to match's.

See the example with the `?` operator: https://github.com/borgo-lang/borgo?tab=readme-ov-file#error...

The main benefits of a Result type are brevity and the inability to accidentally not handle an error.

Yes, but that isn't necessarily a feature of option types. Is it the case that similar sugar for the tiresome Go pattern couldn't achieve similar benefits?

Perhaps, but there have been several proposals along those lines and nobody seems capable of figuring out a sensible implementation.

A funny drawback of the current Go design that a Result type would solve is the need to return zero values of all the declared function return types along with the error: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/21182.

exactly.. yes, I understand why ? is neat from a type POV since you specifically have to unwrap an optional type whereas in Go you can ignore a returned error (although linters catch that) - so at the end of the day it's just the same boilerplate, one with ? the other with err != nil

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