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Definitely useful. The post looks perfectly good. Just for aesthetics, it'd be nice if it said "video of scene" or something like that for the youtube links. (These could possibly be embeds, too.) Maybe have two link fields and then the Screenrant link could go in the second "related links" field.

Hey, added a 'scene related images' feature, where users can upload images/screenshots related to the scene while creating the scene. You can also view the images on the scene post.

Eg : - https://scenestamps.com/scenestamp/01hx6g4asxryp0an0nax534jw... - https://scenestamps.com/scenestamp/01hx6fcqqkwae4cc79qhkft0v...


In case you've never registered, this how the form(s) looks like now: - create scene form: https://imgur.com/gallery/9aMxSyn

- edit scene form : https://imgur.com/gallery/QMgkOtp

I don't want to display based on link types(youtube,blog,etc...).For now I just want users to able to add scene related links of any type quickly.

Just add some scene related links.

Soon 'Add related links' for 'sources' will be added.

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