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> You are defocusing actual issues to solve a petty fight and force control. Stop.

> If you continue to be blind, and focus nonissues, you are the problem.

You are the one that has refused to furnish anything more important.

Also, somewhat obviously, food, jobs, money and housing are not distributed arbitrarily. Blue bubbles are.

It sounds like you're really upset over this whole thing, which is concerning once you consider how likely Apple is to lose their case here. Are you going to still be okay in the event that Apple is legislated for this behavior? Are you going to protest in the street against the DOJ for ignoring the real problems, like PB&J distribution at the local middle school?

> You are the one that has refused to furnish anything more important.

I have said many times what is required for life and therefore what is important. You even acknowledged it in your next sentence.

> Also, somewhat obviously, food, jobs, money and housing are not distributed arbitrarily. Blue bubbles are.

Wrong. We are not communist. Food is purchased and people with more money purchase better quality food. Apple iPhones in fact are just as cheap as Android phones. It’s a users choice to choose one or the other.

> It sounds like you're really upset over this whole thing

Yes, because I’m a veteran that has been to war for this country and this is what your generation focuses on? Do you feel like you’re wasting peoples lives at all? Do you feel like you’re wasting the gift given to you by everybody that has died for you? Because you are.

> Are you going to protest in the street

Protesting is a waste of time. You know what works? Having politicians on speed dial and calling them daily. So no I will not be protesting anything much less this. What I will do instead is focus on making housing cheaper and fixing wages not keeping up with inflation.

Again, stop defocusing the work of many thousands of people. Use your energy on solving anything required for life. Or have people like me fight your efforts and force refocusing on actual issues.

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