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I'm pretty averse to working in any of Musk's companies, not just Tesla.

It's not his (pseudo?) conservative views, I'm actually somewhat politically conservative. I just have a ton of antipathy toward him as a person. I'm not proud of this, but he's a person I actively want to fail.

I'm curious how common my viewpoint is.

Pseudo conservative… I like that phrase. Of course it’s also worth saying that the guy hangs out with neo-reactionaries (people who literally want to install a monarch).

Even if he didn’t espouse whatever the hell he’s espousing publicly, his companies are known as incredibly toxic work environments—one friend of a friend talks about hiding whenever Elon visits their building so they don’t get randomly fired for no reason. Not to mention safety hazards, stupidly long work hours for no real reason (if they’re not succeeding, why are they working so hard?)

He’s gotten himself surrounded by some real nutjobs, then reveals some beliefs that he believes are left-of-center. But that’s true only if you measure based on what he exposes himself to.

> Pseudo conservative… I like that phrase. Of course it’s also worth saying that the guy hangs out with neo-reactionaries (people who literally want to install a monarch).

Honestly, I wouldn't call him a conservative in any real sense. He pisses off liberals, but that doesn't make him a conservative. He just has a few shared points of opposition.

And I'm with the GP, he's someone who I think should fail, but I'm also torn: I also don't like a lot of the people who dislike him, and I wouldn't like the schadenfreude they'd feel if he fails.

The guy has a dozen children with how many woman and seems to take any drug that anyone offers him. This is not what I'd have considered a conservative about 10 years ago, but now I don't really know. It certainly paints a picture of someone who is deeply unhappy despite (or perhaps because of?) his unfathomable wealth. I don't like him, but antipathy isn't exactly what I'd call my feeling. I'd almost feel sorry for him if he wasn't so rich and smug.

I share his views on many things, but I won't work for him as I need time to be with my family. Eighty weeks aren't for me.

I don't want him to fail, however. I'm happy we live in a world where some people work hard to advance our technology.

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