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I actually built a simple one (also for Android) as there wasn't anything easy out there.

One thing that my gf wanted as additional features was the possibility to also track mood (I let her choose among 5 ranges of emojis) and add tags to each day: for example she can create a tag "pains" and set if she had cramps a day or not. All that can be expected to csv/xslx for her own analysis.

If you add these features, I'll recommend this app to her instead :)

Also my app has a minimum SDK 20, so it works with her ancient phone.

My app needs a minimum sdk 19. So at least that would fit. But to be honest: I don't think I'll add those features in the near future. The mood tracking is already on the feature list. But the one with the tags.... I write it down to evaluate it. Also you can export the data - but that will result in a json file - not a csv

Cool! I'll keep an eye, if you don't it's ok, it keeps my own app viable :P

That sound a lot of Pixels[1] but with first-class menstruation tracking?

[1] https://teovogel.me/pixels/

Is your app open source? Could really use something like this and only need something simple. To me the most important feature is open source (for privacy and longevity).


It's a healthy habit to identify hidden stressors (bad relationships, too much drinking, etc.)

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