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Shared common culture doesn't seem to exist much now. Even popular movies are only watched by a small percentage of people. How many here watched the latest episode of XYZ on TV last night? Plays hardly exist, few people read books (or if they do, not much in common (time/genre/recency)).

Anyone who has lived in another country should be able to sympathise with what it feels like to lack shared common culture. I was in Spain and even if someone explained their reference to something from their childhood (like a TV program), it often made no sense to me.

A friend mentioned they served Count Homoginised a coffee the other day. Only people from my country at a similar age to me (and possibly my city) would understand who he was.

And the pipe dream of having personalized AI-generated coooontent to enjoy means that it will be nigh impossible to have "common interests" with anyone else.

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