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> It's surprising how few people make rules for thier kids to help direct them in life these days.

Do they make rules for themselves? If not, I would not expect it for the kids. If the parents are scrolling, then they are not going to have much of a leg to stand on.

Ridiculous. Swap out scrolling for beer or staying up past 10 and see how silly this sounds.

It is about being a good role model. There is nothing wrong with different people having different standards. Even a child understands that they cannot drive, but a taller adult can. Or myriad other things.

But you cannot preach discipline without exhibiting it yourself and still maintain credibility.

For example, you can scroll on your phone sometimes, but if you are doing it hour after hour at every empty moment, but expect your child to watch you and not want to constantly indulge themselves also, you are going to be disappointed.

Especially when everyone around them will be scrolling anyway. Parents are basically the only ones who kids might trust more than their eyes (thinking that scrolling all the time is OK because everyone does it), but it has to be a family effort.

I agree that it doesn't have to be 1-to-1. But there are many parents that don't seem to have discipline for themselves in many ways. Using your beer example, getting drunk, or drunk driving, or drinking instead of helping with homework or something. Having a couple beers is fine if it's done responsibly, and one can still be a good role model.

"Do they make rules for themselves?"

It seems not.

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