It’s unhelpful to the argument when you do this, and it makes our side look like a bunch of smug self entitled assholes.
The reality is that AI is disruptive but we don’t know how disruptive.
The parent post is clearly hyperbole; but let’s push back on what is clearly nonsense (ie. AI being more dangerous than nuclear weapons) in a logical manner hm?
Understanding AI is not the issue here; the issue so that no one knows how disruptive it will eventually be; not me, not you, not them.
People are playing the risk mitigation game; but the point is that if you play it too hard you end up as a ludite in a cave with no lights because something might be dangerous about “electricity”.
I disagree. Debating gives legitimacy, especially when one begins to debate a throwaway comment that doesn't even put an argument forward. The right answer is outright dismissal.