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Dokku supports k8s as the "scheduler" (the term is weird...).

You can think of it as a much nicer CLI for k8s in that case. But it scales way down to a single machine deployment that is much simpler.

Dokku author here:

The "scheduler" term here _is_ a bit weird, but I couldn't figure a better term when I was abstracting the concept.

And yeah, the idea here is that the underlying scheduling system shouldn't matter too much to the user of Dokku, but rather that you get the same experience regardless of the scheduling system. That means that as a user, `dokku enter` (for entering a running container) should be the same if its on Docker Local, Kubernetes, or Nomad. Similarly, Dokku should abstract what it means to deploy a workload onto a system - for Kubernetes, we use Helm charts, but the user doesn't need to know about how helm charts work or anything like that.

We've traditionally focused on getting that single-server experience to a high quality, but now that the base is more or less complete, we can start looking at other integrations that help our users scale.

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