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> The “lights in the sky” stuff has always had better explanations. I watched a C-5 fly over low at night in the Adirondacks and it was very odd; very UFO-y until just before it passed over us.

I've witnessed quite a few odd lights in the night sky, myself! And an equal or greater number of military aircraft flying overhead, between bases, by day. None of which I've ever managed to get a good photo of, even when it's a bomber passing over low and slow, much to my disappointment.

> It’s the “the spaceship landed next to me in my farm field and aliens came out” claims that have faded away.

I recall quite of lot those stories also included electronics behaving weirdly, which would make for quite a convenient excuse. Though I suppose a phone might preserve some evidence of that. But surely enough of those prone to making more outlandish claims aren't thinking of that?

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