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A quick look at my homelab [video] (youtube.com)
26 points by robinhood 16 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 12 comments

There’s another video on his channel where he tries to answer why he built it:


It sounds like a bunch of little pet projects that could be run on a very small cluster. I think he just has a lot of money to burn on what is essentially a curiosity, where the scale of the system necessitates all of the complexity in it… but it doesn’t actually DO anything of importance besides run. It’s not like he had workloads and needed a setup of that scale. The setup IS the workload.

It’s like the marble machine. The build is for the build’s sake.

Its the nerd version of a 1000 horsepower 4 wheel drive extended cab extended bed truck that sits in an office parking garage 99% of its life.

What could someone do with it? Aside from running a backend for a DIY startup which sounds Very Not Fun.

There's gotta be at least a few dozen of these crazy homelabs out there, is anyone writing software specifically targeting them?

Maybe the distributed computing projects if those are still a thing?

I've seen many parallels to this in many domains, it's a "home" version of serious commercial setups that serves to keep in touch with bleeding edge setups, to experiment with the common place Vs the off beat and so on.

If that is what this is then it doesn't need much purpose besides that alone.

Chemists, mechanical engineers, and many other similar types have been known to have "home labs" that are mini commercial grade setups similar to what they work with or routinely setup | tear down.

> Very Not Fun

Maybe not to you, but people will find things fun that others don't.

UnRaid is but one of many homelab OS choices.

That's incredible!

I was not prepared to hear him say the UPS was "only outputting 3.74 kilowatts because not a lot of stuff is running".

What struck me as slightly ironic were the two converted desktop systems in the "applications" rack appeared to have Noctua fans.

That's truly impressive! Even though we're a startup of about 30 people with our own server room, our setup pales in comparison to yours. I'm going to take some time to seriously study how you've done it.

Seems like he's a big fan of Proxmox even for very small scale stuff. Maybe I should be looking into it even though I don't have a homelabs?

I use Proxmox, but I feel ambivalent about it. If you are debating between ESXi, Proxmox, or Hyper-V, I would probably suggest Proxmox.

However, my feeling is that with the rise of containers, VMs are less relevant, and so I want a compute server OS that is more container forward (while still supporting VMs).

Did you previously work for a company specializing in IDC or data centers? Your setup is very professional.

He's the CTO of Surescripts

Ha, I came here to comment that it can’t possibly be as good as this[1] homelab that I saw on Reddit recently…then I realized it’s the same guy. Seriously incredible.

Anyway, some more info here:

[1]: https://www.reddit.com/r/homelab/comments/1bn3p75/comment/kw...

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