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EVERY? Is a plane with a thrust-to-weight ratio over 1 able to stall at full throttle?

A stall is a loss of lift from an aerofoil due to a high Angle of Attack causing a separation of the airflow from the aerofoil. No laminar flow = no lift.

There is such an animal as a high-speed stall, where the angle of attack is greater than 15 degrees. Can happen when a gung-ho pilot makes a high speed dive over his girl-friends house and leaves it too late and too low to pull out gently.

('Gently' being a pull back on the controls such that the Angle of Attack is less than 15 degrees, and curves enough to pull smoothly out of the dive, go into a climb and away to safety.)

He pulls back too hard on the controls. The angle of attack goes over 15 degrees, there is no 'lift' to stop the dive, and the plane continues the trajectory straight into the girl-friend's house.

Whether that has ever actually happened, I do not know. But that was the warning not to be a smart-arse as told to me by my CFI.


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